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Cemeteries of Dublin

08 November 2017 · 2 min read

Cemeteries are usually not on our attractions to do list when visiting Dublin. But they are part of the Ireland cultural heritage and history. They also provide an oasis of tranquillity in this busy city, a place of reflexion and peace. So let us introduce you to some charming cemeteries that are worth popping in.

Arbour Hill cemetery

This military cemetery is the last resting place of 14 of the executed leaders of the insurrection of 1916, including Patrick Pearse, James Connoly and Major John Mc Bride. Arbour Hill cemetery has been largely converted into a park with a massive memorial made of Wicklow granite.

Chaloner’s Corner

Chaloner’s Corner is part of Dublinā€™s curiosity. It is the city’s smallest Cemetry tucked away onto a corner of Trinity College surrounded by buildings and a footpath. Only a handful of persons have been buried in, the most notable grave is Dr.Luke Chalonerā€™s, the first provost of Trinity College.

The Croppy Acre

For those interested in history, The Croppy Acre is a large area used as a mass grave after the 1798 rebellion. Located between the National Museum of Ireland in Collins Barracks and the Liffey, Irish rebels were dumped and buried here but nobody knows how many.

The Croppy Acre cemetery by William Murphy

Glasnevin Cemetery

The Glasnevin cemetery was the first in Ireland to allow burials to any rite. Founded in 1832, there are more Dubliners buried here than are currently living in the city. But despite its primary function, it is one of the most beautiful in Europe. The parkland and the vast number of historic graves are a must see during your visit, you can even book tours if you want to discover the cemetery history and its residentsā€¦

The Huguenot Cemetery

A hidden gem in the city centre, this place is probably Dublinā€™s most colourful cemetery when the bluebells come out in bloom. It is easy to walk past it but this small cemetery is worth the visit. It was founded in 1693 for Dublinā€™s small community of Huguenot refugees and the most notable grave is the Du Bedat family plot.

Mount Jerome Cemetery

Like Glasnevin, this Victorian cemetery is for all religious denomination. It was created in 1836 and is now owned by the funeral parlour Massey. This 47 acres cemetery is probably home to the finest collection of Victorian funerary monuments in Ireland.

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